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A prayer for all the children in the world

We are trying to form a thousand-parents-on prayer group to pray for the children of this generation. We want to ask God to save them from the negative side of the Internet… games addiction, pornography, wrong relationships and influences. Also from rebellion, lewdness, laziness, greed, confusion, helplessness, anxiety, depression.
They do not realize that they are moving into a deep darkness slowly but surely. Please love and care for them by joining us in the next 30 seconds to PRAY aloud (or silently as you wish) for every child of every color in every country in the world today. Then take the next 30 seconds to forward this prayer to 10 of your friends whom you think will invest 1 minute of their lives to unite with us in this prayer.
Let’s us pray:
Our Father in Heaven, we place all the children everywhere in the world of all ages  today into Your gentle but powerful hands. Please save them, have mercy on them and free them all from rebellion, lewdness, laziness and greed. May they be conscious of Your presence Lord Jesus as You take away all their confusion, hopelessness, anxiety and depression. Release Your supernatural faith, love, hope and peace in them. Heal all their broken hearts as You replace it with Your joy and strength to withstand all the temptations that come before them. Teach them how to yearn for righteousness and to detest lies and immorality. Preserve their innocence and keep their hearts pure! Save these children from every snare set up by Satan and the world that surrounds them. We claim victory for each child in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
THANK YOU! Now please forward so we keep this prayer alight for the hearts, minds and souls of our precious children!
Prayer Works because God Answers!!
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